Free Videos for Campus Placements and GATE Preparation
Btechguru has launched a FREE Video channel on Youtube for Campus Placements and GATE Preparation.
We are giving below the list of topics along with the video links for your reference.
- Interview Tips
- Communication Skills
- Aptitude Shortcuts
- Frequently Asked IT Interview Questions
- Soft Skills
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Verbal Ability
- Verbal and Logical Reasoning
- Personality Development
- Engineering Mathematics
We are giving below the links to programming videos -
(These videos also cover frequently asked interview questions)
C program to find the Maximum of two numbers
C program to find the size of an Integer
Java program to find a Number is palindrome or not
C program to find the Increment every element
JAVA program to find a Number is prime Number or not
Java program to print a sample out using for loop
Java program to swap two numbers
Java program to check if the number is Armstrong number
Difference between a structure and an Array
C program using an unsigned integer
What is Native Code in JAVA
C program using Max function
C program using struct and Char functions
C program using Arrays and unsigned Integers
Object Oriented Programming Language - Introduction
Java Programming Language - Basics
Object Oriented Programming - JAVA -Application and Documentation
Object Oriented Programming(JAVA) - Platform & server
Object Oriented Programming - JAVA - Libraries
C Programming Language Basics - Data Types