Adobe Systems || Online Codiva Hackathon on 25th November 2017 FEMALE students of FINAL & PRE-FINAL Years ONLY
Adobe has launched the second edition of women engineers Hackathon and we would really appreciate the word among students as CODIVA Hackathon is a wonderful chance for students to get an interview for Full Term position or internship position at Adobe in addition to winning wonderful prizes.
CODIVA is a hackathon initiative celebrating women in technology. Open to all women studying in the final year or pre-final year in an Indian college.
Mark the date: 25th November 2017,4 pm
Please register for the event using following link:
Get a chance to win these –
Rank 1: iPhone 8
Rank 2: Apple Ipad
Rank 3: Bose Speakers
Top 20: Amazon vouchers to top 20
Top winners will get a chance to be interviewed for Full Term Position or Internship Position at Adobe
Register Immediately and participate in the event on 25th, Adobe is looking forward to welcoming you !!