An APP Competition
By Entravision Communications (www.entravision.com)
QUALIFYING EXAM must be passed by Oct 7th, 2018 before being allowed to the competition on Oct 14th, 2018 - SUNDAY.
Competition Date – Oct 14th, 2018; Location: TBD
Are you a creative techie that loves to build apps with a refreshing look?
Are you talented but new to the industry and looking for an opportunity?
Do you love to compete with like-minded creative techies?
Then you are at the right place. We are looking for fresh talent, candidates in the
final year of their engineering degree or professionals with less than 3 years’
experience in the industry.
Go to www.codeathon.live Click on “Register here!” button then again “Register Now”. Direct link
Enter your basic information and submit. Once you register you will start getting updates on the
competition location/additional info.
Our competition will include FREE registrations, but a QUALIFYING EXAM must be passed by
Oct 7th, 2018 before being allowed to the competition on Oct 14th, 2018 - SUNDAY. If you qualify you will receive a link to the competition submission page.
TWO APP ideas will be given to you on the day of competition (e.g. idea: build an app for car
dealer). You can choose ONE of them and we rely on your expertise to turn that idea of your
choosing into reality. You will have the option to choose platform (IOS or Android) of your liking and submit the app same day.
The winners will be announced then after for each idea separately. The prize for each category is
Rs2,50,000 or $3620 (USD). There will be a potential paid internship opportunity for future work
for the top 5 contenders in a consulting capacity. More details on that will be available on the day of competition.
Contact Chiru @ 91-6300578071 / cmallavarapu@entravision.com
Sunny @ 91-9160914769 / ruthznath@gmail.com